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1322 West Hillsboro Street

El Dorado, AR 71730

(870) 863-4714


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Times of Services:



Bible Class - 9:00 am

Worship - 10:00 am

Evening - 5:00 pm


Community Bible Class - 10:00

Evening Bible Class - 6:00 pm

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Fellowship is Wonderful!!


We FINALLY were able to meet together again! Things went almost without a hitch for each week. There were a few hiccups, one of them being the electronics did not work well due to a lightning surge. 
People who were cautious about Covid stayed away and others who said they wouldn’t come, changed their minds. It was wonderful seeing my brothers and sisters in Christ. But I’ll be so glad to be rid of these masks and this protocol that makes us all feel like a colony of lepers who could each contract the disease for the first time. Eddie Sexton seems to think that the masks are helpful (at least where I’m concerned). Oh well, can’t win them all.
The early church met in some of the most horrid conditions thinkable and still loved being together due to the love and encouragement. I’ve been inside some of the catacombs where they met, and the darkness pressed into you like a heavy fabric. 
I still shudder when I think of the darkness and the smell inside. But even this was nicer than not meeting at all. I didn’t know how much I would miss it or take it for granted until I could not meet with my family.
This world is like a vampire that sucks life instead of blood out of a person. It takes and gives little in return. We live in it and are still commanded by God to not be a part of it. That’s hard! Although there is a component in coming to church that is a matter of “ought,” I’ve found that my “want to,” has increased dramatically. When you pray again next, make a point of thanking Him for this family we are part of … so much better than apart from!
“…And sometimes we laugh together, sometimes we cry; 
Sometimes we share together, heartaches and sighs; 
Sometimes we dream together of how it will be
When we all get to Heaven, God’s family.” 
… John Fields